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March 31, 2013


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Lori Lynn

You're my hero Simona. I cannot imagine making this, even though my Papa was from Romania.
Hope you are enjoying a lovely Easter.

Simona Carini

Thank you so much for your kind words, Lori Lynn.


The lovely mad scientist at work! I've only made sourdough starter, so I'm totally impressed as always with your creativity.


wow, Simona
I'm very impressed too and I'm so happy you sent the recipe to the WHB!
The borș - making intrigues me a lot!
Brava Simona!


This is fascinating. Thank you for the very informative and beautifully done post! Complimenti!

Simona Carini

Hi Lynne. I certainly feel like a mad scientist when I am surrounded by jars with strange-looking content. But as long as the balance is positive, I'll keep experimenting.

Grazie, Brii.

Grazie, Adri.

Bread & Companatico

ma come ho fatto a mancare questo post??????
proprio io che adoro tutto cio' che fermenta...
fantastico!! e cosi' nuovo per me, non sapevo nulla del bors, appena posso rileggo con calma tutto, devo assorbire tutta questa informazione.
buona domenica,


Anche la tappa rumena è giunta al termine e scusandomi per il ritardo ho finalmente aggiornato la pagina dell'abbecedario: http://abcincucina.blogspot.com.es/2013/03/d-come-drob.html.
Grazie per aver partecipato e ti aspetto in Francia!

Simona Carini

Nemmeno io ne sapevo nulla e non e' che ora mi sento come se ne sapessi molto, pero' ammetto di essermi divertita. Buona settimana.


What an awesome kitchen you have. All this wonderful stuff going on there!

Simona Carini

Thank you, Paz. It is truly pretty chaotic, but as long as good things are made in it, there are no complaints.

Simona Carini

Grazie, Aiu'!


thanks so much for this recipe. I just came back to the US after 7 years in Romania, and stupidly, I did not bring a borș starter with me. I am going to give this a try next week and I will let you know how it turns out.

Simona Carini

Dear Carolyn, thank you for your comment. I am so glad my recipe may be of help. And I would certainly like to know how your attempt goes. Good luck. I understand missing a food we have come to enjoy and wanting to recreate it.

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