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March 18, 2023


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Eccolo, la ricetta è salvata nel mio pc e il cavolfiore è in frigo. Prima o poi ce la farò e seguirò pure i tuoi consigli,anch io cerco di evitare il burro quando si può...un abbraccio !

Delaware Girl Eats

I'm intrigued by this combination of ingredients. We always ate cauliflower at home but my mom's preparation was basically to steam them. This looks very appetizing and will have to try

Frank. | Memorie di Angelina

Sounds like a lovely dish, Simona! I definitely want to try this soon. Totally agree about steaming the cauliflower. Boiling, I find, tends to result in a rather soggy veg.

Simona Carini

Ci e' piaciuto molto, Elena, ed e' un buon modo per preparare il cavolfiore :)

It was a surprise how nice the sauce worked, Cathy. Recommended :)

I think you'll like it, Frank. Let me know if you try it :)

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