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January 31, 2023


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Debin Hawaii

I love a good fresh avocado salad and this one looks perfect. I like the addition of the peppery arugula.
Thank you for joining in!

Simona Carini

You're welcome, Deb :)

Camilla M Mann

This looks delicious and simple. I can't wait to try it. I love the bite of the arugula with the creaminess of the avocado. Yum!


I don't feel a meal is complete without some veggies! And is actually complete with only vegetables. What a conundrum! With avocados I seem to spend a lot of time just waiting for them to ripen:)

Wendy M. Klik

This is a gorgeous salad. I love arugula and avocado.

Simona Carini

Thank you, Cam. Yes, the combination works nicely :)

I hear you, Claudia. Avocados require patience and then urgency, since once they are ripe, they must be consumed quickly (a requirement which I gladly accept). I am in complete agreement: the more vegetables in a meal, the better :)

Thank you, Wendy. Yes, it is a great combination :)

Debra Eliotseats

I've been eating a lot of avocados lately. I love them with just some tomatoes, onions and a simple vinaigrette.

Simona Carini

Avocados are so good, Debra. You can always make a nice side dish with a ripe avocado and a few other items :)

Delaware Girl Eats

I think you know of my love of old cookbooks. Collecting them is like an addiction. Your salad preparation looks wonderfully refreshing

Simona Carini

Miss Cecily's cookbook sounds like a fun one to have, Cathy. Although I am not an avid collector, I have a fair number of cookbooks. It's good to be able to consult them for ideas or to see how their authors do certain things :)

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