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November 29, 2022


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Debra Eliotseats

Love this salad. Wish I could have loved the book. :( As always, though, thanks for hosting. Emailed you about my late post.


Simona, what a delightful combination of ingredients in a perfectly beautiful salad! I have determined to get some radicchio growing this winter! Just got the book, Bitter, from which the Washington Post got the recipe I mentioned in my post for chicken livers with Fernet-Branca. Excellent book!

Simona Carini

No worries, Debra: it was an interesting read. I love making a good salad, even in winter :)

I hope you get to grow radicchio, Claudia. I love it: finding it at the farmers market makes me day. And please, tell me how you like that book. Now that you mention it, I remember reading about it when it first came out. I hope it's interesting :)

Delaware Girl Eats

I'm a big fan of radicchio but am often disappointed when I buy it at the grocery. Alas, it's not that easy to find here in farmer markets. This salad sounds so refreshing. I'm already tired of winter food and would love to have some of this. Thanks for making this selection and for organizing the roundup!

Simona Carini

You are welcome, Cathy :) I understand being disappointed by store-bought radicchio. Farm-fresh radicchio is ideal, but as you said, it is hard to come by. I am wondering whether asking farmers about it may convince them to grow it. Worth a try :)

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