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July 12, 2020


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Perfect timing I was just looking for other ways to make zucchini. Thank you for sharing.


Your summer vegetable dish looks delicious! I keep hoping that we will have zucchini from our garden. For the 3rd year in a row (or is it the 4th?) I am tormenting myself by trying to grow it. Last year, we got two zucchini. Two.... But that is better than the previous times when there were none.

This year, the plants are covered in blossoms - all male. I don't know how to encourage the plants to produce female blossoms (I gather that they can produce both.)

I've put Kim Adrian's book on my increasingly longer "to read" list.

Simona Carini

You are welcome, Lucia. Glad my recipe came at a good time :)


I have actually avoided planting zucchini as so many complain about the surfeit of them in their gardens. Your dish looks so appetizing, a perfect summer side dish. The book however, sounds a bit painful.

Simona Carini

I hear you, Elizabeth. I tried some years ago to grow zucchini and there was little return on the investment, so I now stick to what I know does well here: kale. Though this year I've been successful with some lettuce, which makes me happy :)

Simona Carini

I am confident I could handle a surfeit of zucchini, but in my case just a handful materialized. Given your climate, though, and your gardening skills, I would expect you'd face that problem, Claudia. The book is intense, indeed, but also hopeful. The format allowed me to read it slowly, which I usually need to do when a book is intense.


The only vegetables I've had any luck at growing from seed are Scarlet Runner beans. They really do grow like weeds and it's no wonder that the story is "Jack and the Bean Stalk".

I also planted Swiss chard (late because I couldn't find the seedlings at the garden centers when they finally opened, and had to try planting them from seed in late June). As far as I can tell, none of the seeds germinated. I also planted sunflower seeds and none of them came up either. It's so trying having a black thumb....

I threw caution to the winds this year and planted red okra seeds for the second year in a row, in spite of the fact that last year, I harvested one spindly little okra pod.

I have high hopes this year. So far, two out of four of the plants are really doing well and by a miracle, it looks like there will be at least 8 okra pods!

Next year, I'll try kale. Maybe that will work for me.

(Baby steps. Baby steps.)

Simona Carini

Dear Elizabeth, we can start a club. I just planted a sunflower seedling plus some more kale. Baby steps for me too. Good luck with the red okra :)

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