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September 26, 2019


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Reading this post makes me want to move to California. What a great variety and quality of produce you have!

Simona Carini

I know I am lucky to live in a state where produce abounds, Frank. The farm that grows the cucuzza has some amazing things, including several varieties of fresh beans, different types of radicchio, special tomatoes. If you look at my Instagram feed, you'll see the beans and the tomatoes, plus a gorgeous specimen of zucca Marina di Chioggia.


Our farmers markets have more in the way of Asian vegetables, along with the usual. Sad to hear of Camilleri's death, though he did live to a good age! I've loved his novels and have read all of what we have here in translation.

Simona Carini

There are still a few novels that are being translated, Claudia, then there should be the final one, which Camilleri in an interview years ago said he had already written and placed in the safe of his publisher. In recent years he had become blind and so he dictated his novels. He worked until the end, doing what he loved. He will be missed.


Your zucchini dish looks wonderful, Simona. I had no idea that zucchini greens were ever used! Our zucchini plants in the garden packed it in in September; I'm going to have to bookmark this for next year.

Also, I'm always looking for new (to me) authors. Even if your recommendation hadn't been enough for me to put Camilleri's "The Shape of Water" on hold at the library, the AJ Finn's note "You either love Andrea Camilleri or you haven't read him yet" would have done the trick. I'm now hold No.29 for 4 copies at our library.

So much to look forward to!

Simona Carini

So glad to read I prompted you to put on hold "The Shape of Water" at the library, Elizabeth. As the story goes, Camilleri wrote that novel thinking it would be a one-off, then his publisher convinced him to write a sequel. "The Terracotta Dog" was a big success and the rest is history.
Let me know if you try cooking young zucchini greens :)
(You may also be able to get seeds of Sicilian long zucchini for your garden.)


Ooooh!! I hadn't thought of trying to get Sicilian long zucchini seeds, Simona! I was just going to plant yellow zucchini again.

I just looked at a photo of the Sicilian zucchini plant growing on "An Italian Canadian Life" website, and now I'm positive that I've seen it growing in gardens not far from us. Now I can't wait for spring!

Debra Eliotseats

I did not know he had passed. Your post makes me want to pick up another one of his novels. (CTB's The Shape of Water is the only novel I've read.) Again, I am envious of your FM!!!!

Simona Carini

By all means, let me know how it goes, Elizabeth.
(And if you are in the mood for trying another unusual squash, consider the zucchetta or tromboncino squash I featured in this post https://www.pulcetta.com/2014/10/zucchetta-pomodoro-tromboncino-squash-tomatoes.html :)

Simona Carini

You may want to give The Terracotta Dog a try, then, Debra. I know I am lucky to live in a place where various traditions come together and farmers are sometimes adventurous in their selection of crops to grow :)


What an interesting looking zucchini! We have some variety at our farmer’s market, but nothing like this. While I love living on the Oregon coast, gardening any warm weather veggie is a little challenging. : ) I’ll need to check out the books, too - I’m always up for a new mystery author.

Simona Carini

The farmer who grew those zucchini specializes in lesser known vegetables. Her stand at the Berkeley farmers market always has lots of people looking at the produce she brings and listening to her explaining how to prepare it. Several varieties of fresh beans, special winter squash, beautiful radicchio: she has them all. I am not a gardener and have deep admiration for people like you who grow their vegetables, particularly in a challenging place like the Oregon coast :)

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