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September 23, 2018


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Debra Eliotseats

I always think of sourdough products as being all yeasty and risen. I am glad to know that you can make a cracker. :) My sourdough is coming to room temperature now, so I may have to make these (along with trying some "real" sourdough bread recipes today.

Simona Carini

That's why I looked for something different Debra. From an ingredients' perspective, sourdough starter is a mix of flour and water, so it makes sense to use it in other ways. I plan to find and try other recipes along the same line. Good luck with your sourdough bread :)

Phil in the Kitchen

I wish I could say that I've been as diligent and careful with my sourdough starter as you but sadly that's not the case. But I do love the idea of making my own sourdough crackers - they sound like a true delight. My wife is a fan of sourdough crackers from the (very expensive) local shop, which don't look anything like as inviting as yours, so I have a real incentive to try making them.

Wendy Klik

I'm very impressed with the tenacity it takes to keep and grow a starter. I never realized you could freeze it when you can't take care of it. Perhaps it is doable after all.


I do talk about all the starters I've killed, though truthfully, I've baked with it a lot over the years, just end up killing each one in the end. My new one coming from King Arthur will hopefully be the exception. I remember always looking for ways of using the excess when refreshing the starter, so these crackers will be good to try. Often I would make waffles or pancakes with it.

Simona Carini

I would give sourdough another try, Phil. I think sometimes instructions to care for it make things more complicated than they need to be for a home bread baker. Refrigerator and freezer are your friends, though certainly one cannot completely forget about it. While they may not provide the same level of satisfaction as a well-risen and well-baked loaf, crackers are a joy to make: they take little time and are versatile. I hope you give these a try :)

Simona Carini

I don't freeze it for long periods of time, but if I am gone for more than a week, the refrigerator is not an option. The other thing is allowing it a bit more time to come back to full life. Yeasts are in the flour and the air. Also, a pinch of of bran helps. I suggest you give it a try and see how you like it: the important thing is to establish a caring routine that works with your schedule.

Simona Carini

Good luck on your new starter, Claudia. You have other yeasts and small colonies going in your kitchen, so you know you are a good caretaker :)

Lynda England Hardy

I love the idea of sourdough flat crackers - if I wasn't the Starter Murderer I'd love to try these!

Delaware Girl Eats

Simona -- my own adventure with sourdough starter dates back to the Alaska writing retreat, and I was super happy to keep it alive for 5 months. I didn't want to try again although I loved the story threads in this book. Your crackers look like just the thing for a fall get-together and wish I was into bread-making enough to try them.

Am looking forward to the Michael Twitty book. Heard him speak earlier this year and he was quite compelling in person.

Simona Carini

I remember the sourdough episode from our visit to Alaska (I don't want to think about how many years have passed since then). I understand not wanting to have that responsibility again. One way could be to befriend a baker and ask for a bit of theirs and not investing too much emotional energy into it (meaning, if it dies, so be it). The crackers are addictive: when I make them I give away some so I don't overindulge. I am also looking forward to reading Michael's book.

Simona Carini

Thank you, Lynda. I hope someday you'll give sourdough starter another try :)


Sourdough is one of my favorite breads to have with a great dish of spaghetti! It would be great to change it up a little and try these crackers.

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