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March 27, 2018


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Sounds fantastic Simona, and must be if you made it 3 times! I've made a few versions of mole and now want to try yours. Was it very hot with all the chili peppers? I'm so fearful of ruining a dish that I usually cut them down too much.

Simona Carini

Thank you, Claudia. None of the versions I made was too hot. One thing I did to keep the heat mild was not to use any of the seeds. I also made sure that none of the chile varieties I used is labeled "hot" (the brand in the photo does that, which is helpful).

Delaware Girl Eats

I love to see this version of Mole. We both were attracted to that from the book and your experimentation yielded a great vegan result - delicious I'm sure. For myself I love hot chiles but I know not everyone else does. Something for everyone I guess and glad for it.

Debra Eliotseats

I appreciate your descriptions of this complicated dish and your description of that scrumptious meal with Chef Gaytan. Thanks for hosting this round, Simona!


Mole is truly a labor of love and like any sauce from any culture there are recipes galore. Yours sounds amazing.

Camilla at Culinary Adventures

I love mole, but don't make it too often. Yours sounds fabulous.

Simona Carini

Thank you Cathy. I was a bit concerned about making it too hot, but I had some beginner's luck: none of my versions exceeded my preferences. I can also tell you that it freezes well. I am planning to make some more when I consume my stash :)

Simona Carini

You are welcome, Debra :) It is certainly not something to try without planning, but on the other hand, a number of steps can be done in advance.

Simona Carini

I agree, Wendy, and for that reason it was important for me to devote to it the time it required. In Italian cuisine we have dishes for special occasions that are like mole: their preparation cannot be rushed. It is a kind of celebration.

Simona Carini

Thank you Camilla :) I am totally happy with the way it turned out: I read a lot of recipes, but only had that one memory to guide me (and I never asked Chef Gaytan what his mole's ingredients are).

Amy's Cooking Adventures

Your mole looks just lovely! Thank you for hosting this month!

Delaware Girl Eats

Now freezing -- I should have thought about that

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