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January 31, 2018


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Debra Eliotseats

What a great a versatile dish! I could eat it as a salad, as a stuffing, as a side, or as a whole meal with those beans. Great post. Glad you enjoyed this round.


Looks wonderful. I've always thought that celery is the most underappreciated of vegetables. Always the bridesmaid and never the bride. Well, almost never... I've been looking for new ways to prepare it myself, and this one will definitely be on my list!

Tina Culbertson

I am the celery lover in the house but i think I can get my husband to try this magnificent dish. That's a great side or with the beans, a main lunch for me. Loved the book, so much food inspiration


Sounds like a terrific side, which I may pair with a nice grilled steak or perhaps a roast chicken. I've been getting into more Roman dishes myself.


This sounds like a wonderful dish. I love that you turned it into a main course with the addition of beans.

Simona Carini

Yes, Debra. Now I know what to do with the beautiful celery I see at the farmers' market. A nice read on an interesting topic: thank you for choosing it :)

Simona Carini

I like the comparison, Frank. As you know, in Italy you can get una costa di sedano but here you get the whole head and it's been on my wish list to find ways to use it before it wilts. Now I can't get enough of it :)

Simona Carini

cooked celery has a milder flavor than raw one, Tina. Try using is a squash stuffing with some cheese and nuts: so good! :)

Simona Carini

It is, Claudia, and made with vegetables that are available pretty much year round, which I like. The flavor of anchovies is quite mild so the dish can accompany meat. Let me know if you try it :)

Simona Carini

Thank you Wendy. It was rather serendipitous, like many things in the kitchen. I was making the dish, I had just cooked some beans and I thought "What if...?" It worked! :)

Delaware Girl Eats

Simona I'm impressed with the multiple preparations! I would try any of them. As you say, some parts of the book were difficult to get through. I am a student of culinary history, but having said that my timeframe is only the 1700's to present.

Simona Carini

Thank you, Cathy :)
A narrative that makes characters come alive also makes certain events feel more real (Aelia's death, the treatment of slaves or of traitors and their progeny, the latter quite brutal). The food part was quite interesting and I enjoy reading about the foods of that time.

Delaware Girl Eats

Simona -- I thought it was a great narrative but really liked the food descriptions

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