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June 24, 2016


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Deb in Hawaii

Ack! I realized I never got back to comment on the roundup or the entries! Crazy summer and short-term memory loss! Thanks for hosting Simona--I look forward to the next one. ;-)

Simona Carini

No worries, Deb. Thank you so much for participating!

Molly Hashimoto

Simona, how wonderful that you loved Out Stealing Horses...it is one of my favorite books! Somehow I missed the celery omelette, but I have recently rediscovered how much I love celery!

Simona Carini

Since celery is available year round, this is a dish you can enjoy any time, Molly. Let me know if you try it. And coincidentally, I am reading and enjoying another book that has to do with Norway, titled Norwegian by Night.

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