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March 09, 2016


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ma sai che mia mamma quando ero piccola, mi faceva questo brodo con le uova aggiungendo la pastina per farne una sostanziosa minestrina dato che il brodo io non lo volevo me lo camuffava cosí e mi piaceva un sacco. Ora lo ritrovo in Armenia :-D grazie a te. Mi piace un sacco questa ricetta, brava hai scelto bene!!

Simona Carini

Grazie della nota, Martissima. Tua madre l'aveva pensata proprio bella!

Deb in Hawaii

The book sounds like something I would love to curl up and read too Simona. Love books that are like an encouraging conversation about creativity and writing. Adding it my list! Your soup looks comforting and delicious--meatballs in soup are always fun. ;-)

I keep forgetting to mention that Souper Sundays is very recently back in a slightly different format as a weekly picture link for now--a post goes up on a Sundays with a link for the following week. Then I highlight some/all of the soups of the previous week on the post. Would love to have you link this soup up and any other soup, salad or sandwiches you like there. This is the link for this week's post--up through Saturday night: http://kahakaikitchen.blogspot.com/2016/03/cozy-irish-colcannon-soup-potato-leek.html or next week's post will be out again Sunday. Details are in the post. All are welcome!

Thanks for hosting Novel Food again! ;-)

Simona Carini

I hope you'll enjoy the book as much as I did, Deb. Glad to read Souper Sunday is back. Will check the link right away and remember it for the future: thanks!


That's a hearty soup, saving this one for colder weather

Simona Carini

It is, Tina and definitely great when it's cold outside :)

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