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March 15, 2015


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Alicia (foodycat)

I read something about black chickpeas in Indian cooking just today, but I've never seen them before! It makes a lovely looking soup.

Deb in Hawaii

I need to find some black chick peas to cook with. This soup looks wonderful--love the rosemary and bean pairing. Thanks for sharing it with Souper Sundays this week. I am going to try to make Novel Foods this month. ;-)

Simona Carini

Ciao Alicia. Thanks for mentioning Indian black chickpeas. I have never seen them. Based on the images I saw online, they are not quite black, but dark brown. Still, I am curious and I will look for them.

Thank you, Deb :) It'll be great to have you join Novel Food.


I've never seen black chickpeas before-what beauties and the soup looks incredible. Thanks for participating in BWW #159

Simona Carini

Thank you, Lynne.

Frank @Memorie di Angelina

Dear Simona, I'm always learning something new every time I visit your blog. I never knew that there were such a thing as black chickpeas. They looks amazing and, since I love black beans, I suspect I'd like them, too. How is the taste—the same as the regular kind just "tastier" or is it at all different?

Simona Carini

Thank you, Frank. When I'm in Perugia, I visit a beloved store that has a fantastic array of legumes and there I learned about black chickpeas and other lesser known legumes, some local from Umbria, others from elsewhere in Italy. I should create a page with my recipes for those. Anyway, I found black chickpeas tastier than regular ones. Their skin remains a bit al dente after cooking, so has to like that (I do).

Bianca @ ElephantasticVegan

It looks so good! Really comforty. Wonderful photos :)

Simona Carini

Thank you, Bianca.


Oh wow! This soup looks fabulously comforting. I've never seen black chickpeas here.

Simona Carini

Thank you, Sylvia. They are uncommon and in my opinion worth being on the lookout for.

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