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February 04, 2015


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Beautiful gallery, Simona! Your "a writer's necessities" image is awesome-love the composition and the subtle sepia tone.

Simona Carini

Thank you, thank you, Lynne :)

Molly Hashimoto

Simona, your fountain pen, notes and latte are a perfect trio, so well-composed. Who needs color with coffee, pen and paper?

Simona Carini

Thank you, Molly. It was a perfect moment and was glad to capture it.


Thank you, dear Simona, for tis lovely gallery!
And your fountain pen is gorgeous, I love them too ;-)

Simona Carini

My pleasure, Cinzia. Glad to know you are also a fan of fountain pens.


Lovely lineup, as usual. How interesting that you write first draft in longhand. :-)

Simona Carini

Thank you, Paz. I do, I actually write a lot longhand, though I spend hours daily on the computer. I love seeing the words take shape under my hand.


Thank you so much for you poetic image, dear Simona, the gallery is now up:

Simona Carini

Thank you, Cinzia. I am coming over immediately to take a look.

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