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November 11, 2014


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I'd like to buy some persimmons and try it, very soon. :)


i cachi secchi non li ho mai visti, ma l'idea degli scones con i cachi mi piace molto ... a dir il vero manco la farina di semi d'uva non l'ho mai vista, e pensare che io li sputo sempre, li potrei tenere e macinare ^________^ grazie per il posto d'onore nella tua cucina, ciauzzzzz

Simona Carini

Grazie per il commento Marta, che mi ha suggerito di aggiungere una nota per la sostituzione. E la farina di semi d'uva è facoltativa, quindi non preoccuparti se non la trovi. E' una farina interessante: sembra cacao. Non vedo l'ora di provare la farina di bucce d'uva. Mi fa piacere che la decorazione che ho fatto in cucina ti sia piaciuta :)

Frank @Memorie di Angelina

I love persimmons! I had a persimmon for the first time in Brazil, back in the last 70s. It was love at first bite. The Brazilians used to call them jokingly the diabetic tomato... ;-)

I only got to know the non-astringent varieties in recent years, and thank goodness they're available. It's very hard to find astringent persimmons here in the States that ripen properly and, as you know, an unripe astringent persimmon is not very pleasant to eat!

Simona Carini

I am sure you'll be able to find persimmons this time of the year. Let me know how it goes, Paz.

Simona Carini

Glad you do, Frank, and glad you can find some nice ones where you are. Astringent persimmons are indeed a bit tricky: if sold ripe, they need proper packaging; if sold unripe, they need patience and care. I try to buy them ripe when possible. I have never tasted an unripe astringent persimmon and hope never to make that mistake. What I have discovered in recent year is how versatile they are as ingredients. This fall I am having a great time trying various recipes that feature them.


Beautiful! You know, I'm not convinced I have ever even tried a persimmon! I will make an effort to source some. Thank you for sharing your lovely recipe with Shop Local!

Simona Carini

Thank you, Elizabeth: I hope you get to try persimmons. It's a lovely fruit. The tree is also beautiful, when carrying the brightly colored fruit. It's my pleasure to participate.

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