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November 23, 2014


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Alicia (foodycat)

This looks much nicer than any damper I've ever had! The pumpkin might help it keep a little longer too.


Bellissimo e mi sa buonissimo il tuo damper zuccoso! A me sti panoni ricordano per tipologia di impasto e forma dei mega scones ;)
Un abbraccione forte forte

Simona Carini

Thank you for the nice compliment, Alicia. Every time I made it, I froze what we would not eat withing a couple of days. Once I even used some to make French toast.

Ciao Terry. Avendo una quantita' industriale di zucche di vario tipo, nei prossimi mesi provero' a mettere polpa di zucca in molte ricette ;) Decisamente ricorda gli scone.


It's a shame this in Italian. Being Australian I would love to see your recipe. I'm not sure how I stumbled onto your website but I'm glad I did, have found great inspiration. I like the idea of pumpkin damper and may try it with pumpkin seeds on top too.

Simona Carini

Hello Samantha and thank you for stopping by. I sent you an email on this as well. It looks like you navigated directly to the Italian section of the post. The English version is above it and you can also access the printer-friendly version of the recipe (in English) here: http://www.pulcetta.com/damper-australian-bread.html
Adding pumpkin seeds on top sounds like a great idea.


Silly me, I see the English recipe. Strange view as I am looking on my phone maybe? Great recipe. Will try it with some grated zucchini, some cheddar cheese and pumpkin seeds on top. I traditionally use damper as an accompaniment to a stew/casserole or thick soup in colder months.

Simona Carini

I think what happened is that you arrived at the page with the url that include "#it" at the end, so you went directly to the Italian section I am glad you wrote the comment so I was able to redirect you. Your plan sounds good!

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