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September 07, 2014


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Alicia (foodycat)

What amazing colours!


Wow! What an amazing post! I love the photos of the heirloom tomatoes, and honestly that pasta that you made with it looks out of this world!!! YUUUUUM!


Fifty pounds! I better get busy. Off to the farm stand today to see what I can amass for a roasted tomato blitz. I am going to use both of your methods, Simona, and stock my freezer. Thanks!


Che spettacolo il colore dei tuoi pomodori!!! e quanti modi buoni per gustarli! Tu li arrostisci e poi li conservi in frigo anche?

Simona Carini

Indeed, Alicia. Every year I seem to discover a new variety with a distinctive color or pattern.

We had an early season this year, Sally, so I started a month ago. By all means, get started before the season is over. Happy roasting!

Ciao Lucia. Li conservo in frigorifero, perche' finora li ho utilizzati nel giro di pochi giorni. Spero di riuscire a farne un po' da congelare per vedere come si mantengono.




Love them, j'adore :-)
Thanks for your beeing so frequent at BWW ;-)

Simona Carini

Glad you like my tomatoes, Cinzia. It's always a pleasure to contribute to BWW.

Simona Carini

Thank you, Gitanjali.

Simona Carini

Thank you, Paz!


I love Zuchetta and grow it every year. This year I plants it on the end of my rose hill. Before I got a trellis-arch in place it had taken off. It has grown 25’ in four direction. One is up and over Pomegranate tree, so funny to see Zuchetta hanging down. Others have stayed mostly between roses runningabout everywhere. I keep tucking them off the travertine walkway. Love the texture in curries etc as it retains it’s integrity. Flavour to me is a bit like artichoke hearts which I also grow. I am making the heirloom tomatoes with it tonight as I have 40 varieties of heirlooms in yard/garden. I also have so many figs. Need ideas. I made Dalmation Fig paste which has cognac, no sugar, spread on warm rosemary focaccia. I also canned Fig Blueberry jam no sugar as my granddaughter, Melania loves it.

Simona Carini

I wish I could visit your garden Mary-Anne: zucchetta, heirloom tomatoes, figs, wow! Hanging zucchetta is quite a sight and a cheerful one. Indeed, zucchetta is great in stews as it retains texture. I have also used it in this recipe

instead of zucchini and it worked well. My favorite way of eating figs is as fresh fruit, with nothing else. Figs on focaccia and also on pizza are great. Your jam sounds wonderful too. Have you tried drying figs?

I also have an old recipe that I made with mission figs, but you can try with other varieties of figs and other types of cheese (just make sure that it softens when warmed up):

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