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September 01, 2014


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Alicia (foodycat)

What a wonderful taste of summer!


Beautiful presentation!

Simona Carini

Thank you, Alicia. I'd make one with cherries if I had a fruitful tree like yours :)

Delaware Girl Eats

We are having the last of our Delaware peaches and your post inspired me to make a peach tart later this week in the french tradition, but I think I will use almond flour in the dough. Will see how it goes!


Prima che finiscano le pesche questa la provo! adoro i mix di farine "alternativi" anche se quella di teff non l'ho mai usata, se non la trovo magari provo con una integrale di buona qualità! un bacione!

Simona Carini

Ciao Francesca. Puoi provare con altre farine, tipo amaranto o quinoa. Quella di amaranto non l'ho mai provata, mentre quella di quinoa si, anche se non in percentuale elevata. Se usi la farina di grano integrale, probabilmente noterai che assorbe maggiormente. Fammi sapere. Un abbraccio.


Uff! That is very beautiful...in color and sepia. Working on BWW now. Your shots are all balm to the tasks. Thanks, Simona, for your BWW photo.

Simona Carini

Glad you like it, Susan. I wish I could send you a slice to help you in your task. I am looking forward to seeing the gallery later today.


Originalissima pasta frolla, non sapevo della farina di riso integrale, deve essere deliziosa questa crostata!!! :)

Simona Carini

Grazie Lucia.

Frank @Memorie di Angelina

I've got to make one of these before peaches are gone from the markets. Let me see if I can find some this morning... !

Simona Carini

I hope you go for it, Frank. Much as I love to make jam tart, there is something special about using fresh fruit.


I love peaches and this tart looks absolutely beautiful.

Simona Carini

Thank you, Corina.


What a beautiful recipe! I only heard about teff a few days ago when a few Dove's Farm product samples arrived containing both the whole grain and the flour. I am inspired by your gorgeous tart to make it it into a pie crust! Thank you for linking up with Shop Local, and the round up will be published hopefully soon. I'm running a bit behind this month!

Simona Carini

Thank you, Paz.

I hope you liked the result, Cathy.

Thank you, Elizabeth. I hope you'll enjoy the teff you've received. Looking forward to the roundup.

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