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August 22, 2014


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They look beautifully shaped and oh my, I am feeling hungry and haven't had breakfast yet :)


Bellissimi fusilli, Simona! I can't wait to (try to) make them!

One question - why do you pour a glass of cold water in the pot before draining the pasta?

Grazie mille for your wonderful blog.

Simona Carini

Thank you, Ivy. It takes a little practice, but it is rewarding.

Grazie a te, Ric, for the kind words. The immediate answer would be that my mother always did it :) The idea is to cool the water somewhat and stop the cooking.

Anna Engdahl

Thanks again, Simona. I wish you would write a cookbook or two, so I could have all your recipes and instructions in one place.

Frank @Memorie di Angelina

Amazing skills in those hands. And it's quite a collection of handmade pastas you've assembled here. I doubt there is anything else like it on the net!

Simona Carini

Thank you so much for your kind words, Anna.
I have thought about gathering some of my recipes in book format a few times, but have not gone much further than that in terms of planning. I have some ideas that need to ferment a bit longer :)

Grazie, Frank, sei molto gentile. And I am not planning to stop any time soon :)


tu sei la mia meraviglia, la mia pastaia preferita, ho imparato più trucchi da te che da tutta la blogsfera, TU SEI IL MIO MITO... sappilo!

Simona Carini

Grazie, Sandra, per le parole gentilissime e di incoraggiamento. Mi fa un sacco piacere leggere che i miei piccoli esperimenti ti sono di aiuto.


I miss both making and eating pasta... but, you gave me an idea, 'Use a small portion of dough' I could do that just for me! Wonderful idea with the mat!

Simona Carini

Thank you Katie. The dough recipe is perfect for your situation. Have a great weekend.


I enjoyed going over the Italian words. :-) I love that the pasta looks so perfectly made and the dish looks perfectly delicious! :-)


P.S. Thanks for the video demonstration. It looks like fun to shape the dough. :-)

Simona Carini

Thank you, thank you, Paz. Making pasta by hand has become quite a passion for me.


Le tue abili mani e lo stuoino hanno preso il via... Produzione di pasta nuova e sempre bellissima!
Sei bravissima! :)

Simona Carini

Grazie per il complimento, Terry :)

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