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June 23, 2014


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Frank @Memorie di Angelina

Sounds like a fair amount of work, but boy, that bread is absolutely gorgeous!

Simona Carini

There is a certain amount of planning needed, but you are right on: it is totally worth it. Once the boule comes out of the oven, everything else is quickly forgotten.

Alicia (foodycat)

That looks absolutely superb! I am trying to eat less bread at the moment, so I can't be trusted around a sourdough starter but this really is calling to me. And it's begging for cheese and a nice glass of wine! I bet a little rosemary would be nice in it too.

diary of a tomato

Am still getting the hang of using a starter and this is deliciously motivating!

Simona Carini

Thank you, Alicia. It is not easy to resist. Thanks for the suggestion of using rosemary: I will try.

Glad to me a motivator, Debra :)


come mi piace il pane arricchito con la frutta secca!!! e come mi piace "sforbiciare", da una soddisfazione!!!
grazie Simona, anche questo un capolavoro!
un abbraccio

Simona Carini

Piacere mio, Sandra.

Karin Anderson

Lovely loaf, Simona. A tempting flavor combination - and I like nuts in bread.

Simona Carini

Thank you, Karin. I do too. Next, I will try using pecans.


A fabulous bread! I'm going to try this recipe ASAP.



Simona Carini

Thank you, Rosa. This is definitely a family favorite. I recommend it wholeheartedly.

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