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April 13, 2014


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It's a lovely looking bread! I haven't quite decided what I am doing for Easter bakes this year.
I love the name Lucia - our neighbour when I was growing up was Lucia, known as Chetta (Cetta?). I was so surprised when I moved to Queensland and discovered the suburb St Lucia pronounces it "Loosha".

Simona Carini

Thank you, Alicia. I would like to try Easter buns, but I am not sure I'll have time. We'll see. I admit I don't like the way St Lucia is pronounced. My aunt was often called Lucietta (diminutive) and I think your neighbor's name was a shortened form of that. Yes, it would be spelled Cetta.


Lucia pronounced the Italian way is much more melodic!


bellissimo il tuo pane! funzionano davvero i gusci d'uovo contro le lumachine? la mia salvia ha molte foglie bucherellate...


A totally exquisite bread! I love eggs, too! I'm happy to hear you use the shells in your garden to repel snails!


I love Easter bread, and yours looks perfect! I didn't know hens didn't lay as many eggs during the winter, interesting.

diary of a tomato

Just in time for Easter baking, I can smell it's delicious aroma from here!


Grazie per la tua partecipazione e per la tua presenza anche in Lituania! Ecco il riassunto: http://abcincucina.blogspot.com.es/2014/03/v-come-vedarai.html e ora...tutti in Belgio, dai che manca poco!


Your bread looks so good!

Simona Carini

Grazie Lucia. Con le lumache di qui funzionano. Prova e poi dimmi come va.

Thank you, Lynne. I try to keep my little garden as natural as possible and I also like to use kitchen scraps. If you let the shells dry well, it is kind of fun to crush them and then spread them.

Thank you, SpicieFoodie! It has to do with the length of the day, the number of hours of daylight.

Thank you, Debra. One day, I hope I'll be able to bake the Easter bread I used to eat as a child. In the meantime, this is a nice alternative.

Grazie Aiu'. Manca poco alla prossima avventura? ;)

Thank you, Paz. This was quite nice. I like raisins in bread.


Me, too! I like raisins in bread, too.


I'll have to save my shells and scraps for the garden we just planted! Thanks!

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