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March 30, 2014


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Rachel @ The Crispy Cook

What a beautiful and elegant trout dinner. I think Twain would have tucked right in. Thanks for picking such a great book for our little band of readers. Dan and I both enjoyed this one very much.


grazie mille per la tua partecipazione Simona! il raccolto è pubblicato


carina l'iniziativa dei libri!
un abbraccio

diary of a tomato

So many wonderful things in this post — Twain's list, Beahr's book, and a trout dinner! When I was journeying in India many years ago — my first time abroad — the only thing we missed was pizza!


A truly diverting pick Simona, with lots of good information. I'd like to join you for some of that trout dinner, it sounds so delish.


I just loved this chapter, with the description of Lake Tahoe from those days! Your photos make me wish I had tried this dish - -cathy


Such a gorgeous plate. I love all of the herby goodness. We don't get a lot of trout here but once in awhile I'll find it at Whole Foods and 'splurge.' I will definitely try your recipe the next time I do. ;-)
This was a fun book pick Simona--I learned a lot and it has inspired me to delve into Twain's Letters From Hawaii that has been sitting on my nightstand. ;-)


Thank you so much for hosting such a wonderful and informative book. I certainly learned a lot about Twain, American history and regional foods (and the extinction or loss of so many things). Really and eye opening read.


Twain is a fascinating character to me. I'd love to taste the trout that you prepared.

Simona Carini

Thank you Rachel. I am glad you and Dan liked the book. I found it a pleasure to read and full of fascinating information.

Grazie a te Lucia per l'ospitalita'. Vengo subito a visitare il raccolto.

Thank you, Debra. I understand missing pizza. Sometimes, it is not until we can't have it that we realize how much we love a certain food.

Thank you, Claudia. Whenever you visit California, I'll make sure to prepare this for you. Hope all is well in your beautiful corner of the world.

Simona Carini

Thank you, Cathy.

Thank you, Deb. It's good to splurge every now and then ;) I hope the Letter from Hawaii are an entertaining read. I am glad you enjoyed the selection.

You are welcome, Debra. I am glad you enjoyed the book. It was an eye-opener for me as well as far as certain foods. I also enjoyed reading about foods I was not at all familiar with.

He was an interesting man and a great writer. Adding trout to the list of dishes to share when you'll visit us, Paz :)

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