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February 09, 2014


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Alicia (foodycat)

That looks wonderful! In my family we don't use a tool, we put the batter on a wooden board and chop it into the boiling water. I don't quite have the technique down pat!

Delaware Girl Eats

Hi Simona -- yes spaetzle has many European roots. My Hungarian grandmother made this the way Alicia describes. I cheat and use a spaetzle maker that my mother gave me years ago. It is the traditional side dish for our chicken paprika supper

diary of a tomato

I've been avoiding investing in a spaetzle tool, but may have to after reading this delicious post, comfort food at its best! Hope everything is okay, am thinking of you!

Simona Carini

Ciao Alicia. That's an interesting technique. I am usually wary of single-purpose tools but the Spätzle maker I got was not expensive and I really wanted to try using it. I may come up with some other ideas for using it.

Ciao Cathy. Does your Spätzle maker look like mine? I have read that Spätzle are often served as a side dish with meat. I will try that some time.

tami weiser

It's even a little bit mac and cheese with a central european and perugian flair. I will be making this. I know my daughters will love it. We did it " board" style in culinary school. We did indeed serve it with meats.


Simona, passare da te è sempre stupendo!
ti abbraccio forte forte


Eccole tutte le ricette in bella mostra: http://abcincucina.blogspot.com.es/2014/01/s-come-sachertorte.html! Grazie per aver partecipato anche a questa tappa e ora...tutti in Repubblica Ceca!!!


Simona Carini

It was not at all expensive, Debra, which is why I decided to go with it. And also because I had seen photos and wanted to have a first-hand experience. I must say, it is fun. Now I will start experimenting with variations.

Now you got me curious about the board method. I am intrigued that you made Spätzle in culinary school, Tami.

Grazie cara Sandra.

Grazie Aiu'. Ho le valigie virtuali pronte.


I tried making it years ago, without a proper spaetzle maker. I used the board method. You inspire me to make it again.... Or go to Germany (they make wonderful spaetzle)

Simona Carini

How about both, Katie? Seriously, I think giving them another try would be fun. And going to Germany can be fun too, though not until the spring, I'd say.


Spatzle sounds and looks wonderful, so new to me! And the mess in the kitchen is so worthy.

Simona Carini

Thank you, Sanhita. Indeed, the mess was worthy.

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