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January 12, 2014


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Deb in Hawaii

I love everything about this salad--especially the persimmon-avocado and sliced almonds combination. This is exactly the kind of salad I love to dig into. ;-) Thanks for sharing it with Souper Sundays this week.

Frank @Memorie di Angelina

Love your story about growing up with green salads, plainly dressed. Reminds me a bit of my own experience, although in my family there was always a little something to 'liven' things up—a few pieces of avocado, a few thin slices of red onion, some carrot shavings. I never did rebel from this—it was and is a welcome staple. In our family we always ate salads after the main course (like a lot of Italian-Americans) and I welcomed the relative 'austerity' of a few ingredients, nicely dressed.

By the way, I have never seen butterhead lettuce with rose-marbling like that. Gorgeous!


Cara Simona, come hai ragione! Bellissima la tua insalata :) Bacioni

Simona Carini

Glad you like the salad, Deb. It is always a pleasure to contribute to your event.

Ciao Frank. Reading your comment made me smile, because I remember the first time I had carrots in a salad: they tasted almost exotic, although carrots per se were not unknown to me. Avocados, on the other hand, were unknown and remained so until I moved to California. That specific head of lettuce came from a local farm: I am glad you like it. I also find it quite gorgeous.

Grazie Lucia!


Thanks for this delicious submission to NCR. Lovely.

Simona Carini

You are welcome, Lisa. My pleasure.

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