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January 19, 2014


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Bellissimo pane cara Simona!!! grazie per la tua partecipazione :)

Bread & Companatico

what a lovely berad Simona! love the open crumb, the ring shape and the thin crust! thank you for your contribution to Panissimo.

diary of a tomato

Wonderful shape, looks very similar to ciabatta!

A Canadian Foodie

There is nothing like traveling and coming home to bake what you loved from the trip. I enjoy your cooking/baking posts so much! Never been to Malta - it's not on the current list - but what a lovely experience and the bread looks divine.


What a wonderful post. Complimenti! This bread is really intriguing. And isn't Peter Reinhart a wonderful resource! Buon anno a te!

Simona Carini

Grazie a te per l'ospitalita', Lucia.

Ciao Barbara. I recommend this bread: it's fun to make a delightful to eat. It's always a pleasure to contribute to Panissimo.

Hi Debra. Indeed, the texture is very similar.

Thank you Valerie. I have not been to Malta in many years, so I don't know how much it has changed and I guess a part of me is afraid it has changed a lot. In any case, I treasure my memories. Thank you for your kind words.

Grazie Adri. Peter Reinhart is a great resource and a wonderful teacher. Buon anno anche a te!


Grazie per non esserti persa neanche questa tappa! Tutte le ricette sono qui: http://abcincucina.blogspot.com.es/2013/12/r-come-ross-fil-forn.html.

E ora...tutti in Austria!!!!

Simona Carini

Non ho intenzione di perdere una tappa, ma tantomeno una in un paese che conosco. E mi sa che in Austria finalmente imparero' a fare gli spaetzle. Grazie Aiu'.

Frank @Memorie di Angelina

I absolutely adore wet doughs. They make the best bread, in my opinion. But I didn't know about the stretch and fold technique, which could have saved me a lot of trouble, lol!

Maltese cookery intrigues me, by the way. Heavily Italian influenced, of course, but from what I have been able to gather, mixed in with the English and Moorish. A truly unique combination.

Simona Carini

Ciao Frank. I am glad I introduced you to the stretch and fold technique: you'll see what difference it makes.
I wish I were more into food when I was in Malta, so I'd have taken notes. I can tell you that the language is like that: an interesting mix of various sources.


In this recipe, what percentage gluten is the high gluten flour used in the final dough? Is it 4% as in a bread flour? Or higher?

Thanks for the recipe. I’ve tried it several times, but can’t get the open crumb. It always comes out too dense.

Simona Carini

Dear Marcia, thank you so much for visiting my blog and for your question. I got the flour from the bulk section of a local store. I believe that it is Giusto's high performer and so at least 13% protein. If they still carry it, I may be able to confirm or correct my theory.


Thanks so much for your reply. I fisrt experienced Ftira in the late 70’s at a little bakery in Mosta. No sign - you could just smell the bread. You got to know when they made the diffrent kinds of bread and could purchase it hot and fresh. Nothing I had ever had compared with that Ftira. I’ve been trying ever since to duplicate it. Your recipe comes closest to anything I’ve found. Thank you so much for the recipe and the help. I added gluten to the all- purpose flour I used - about 1 Tbsp per cup. I still find it difficult to work with such a wet dough, but the video helped. Grazzi hafna!

Simona Carini

Hi Marcia, I confirm that the high-gluten flour I have is Giusto's Ultimate Performer. I am glad my recipe and the video were useful. When working with wet dough, it helps to keep your hands and the scraper wet: it sounds counter-intuitive but it works :)

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