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December 15, 2013


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Beautiful shots, Simona. Love these peppers. I've prepared them as the sign says: charred with sea salt, but with sour cream on the side to dip. You're lucky to get them at farmers market at such a good price.

Simona Carini

Thank you, Susan. A visit to the farmers' market any time during the year makes me feel quite lucky to have access to beautiful produce.


Oh! I love the photo in both color and B&W! What will you do with the peppers?

Simona Carini

I know you like peppers, Paz. I have not yet thought about a recipe for these peppers, but I am determined to plan something for when they are in season again.


Beautiful-sometimes it's hard to get the varying shades of black correct when converting from color to black and white. You have mastered it beautifully!

Simona Carini

Thank you for your kind words, Lynne. You are right: sometimes it is hard to get a conversion that is true to the original.

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