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December 10, 2013


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Alicia (foodycat)

What a wonderful picture, Simona!

Simona Carini

Thank you, Alicia. I am so glad you like it. I hope my parsley survives the frost.


Ah, the same happened a few days ago where we live. Lovely shot!

Simona Carini

Thank you, Ivy. Gosh, that is quite unusual for you, isn't it? I hope it is over by now.


gelata means frost? I was thinking gelato, the ice treat. Intereting. Poor herbs.

Simona Carini

Ciao Paz. They appear to have survived the cod spell, at least for now. Tonight it is again very cold (though not as cold as where you are). Frost is ice, and indeed the word gelato and gelata are related, though the first is sweet while the second is not quite as pleasant.


Thanks, Simona! I learn something new from you all the time! BTW, in case it's not obvious, I prefer gelato. But I enjoyed looking at the gelata in your photo. :-)

Simona Carini

I totally understand, Paz ;)

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