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November 15, 2013


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Fabulous! I've baked a few loaves of sourdough that I hope to post soon! I'll definitely check out the San Francisco Baking Institute when I visit SFO again.

Alicia (foodycat)

That oven is beautiful!

Simona Carini

Hi Lynne. I am looking forward to reading about your sourdough adventure. SFBI is a great resource.

Indeed, it is, Alicia. A bit intimidating too, when you stand in front of its mouth to put in or take out bread or pizza. Fortunately, the one in my backyard is much smaller ;)

diary of a tomato

Gorgeous crumb! Something so elemental baking with fire...

Simona Carini

Agree, Debra. All the breads we baked in the wood-fired oven were excellent. And I love their rustic look.


Grand shots! Hole-y bread makes for fantastic texture and wonderful chew.

Simona Carini

Thank you, Susan. It was a challenging environment: lots of flour and fast movements in artificial light. But it's wonderland as far as I am concerned. The bread we tasted at the end of each day was awesome. Now it's up to me to apply what I learned in my environment.

pam (Sidewalk Shoes)

Very nice!

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