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October 20, 2013


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Nice soup, full of flavors and great to serve with toasted bread. Sometimes, I like to add a dollop of cream or some cheese in thick soup. It should be not bad with this soup too. :)


This looks wonderful! We have not had a frost yet, but it is coming soon, so it's time to get the last tomatoes and peppers from the farmers' market and make this--I plan to freeze some, too, for a cold winter's day.

Simona Carini

Thank you, Yung. I hope you give it a try.

Hi Sally. I am done with the tomatoes, but we still have great peppers, so I am roasting batches and freezing them. Red foods during the winter cheer me up.

diary of a tomato

Love the story of how this soup came to be, funny how just the simplest addition can make all the difference!

Simona Carini

Indeed, Debra. And it makes cooking enlessly fascinating.

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