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October 21, 2013


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Grazie Simona per la bella raccolta!


Ecco non saprei cosa scegliere da fare per prima!
Mi piace tutto!
Raccolta strepitosa, grazi di averci ospitate e grazie a tutte per le magnifiche ricette!!


Always beautiful and creative recipes. Sorry I missed it, Simona.

Thank you for hosting the lovely repasts.

carla emilia

Una bellissima raccolta! Ciao Simona, grazie per averci ospitato, un abbraccio


Raccolta golosa, colorata ed invitante!
Grazie ancora per l'ospitalità ;-)

Simona Carini

Grazie a tutte voi per il contributo. Come al solito, e' stato un piacere ospitare.

Dear Susan, don't worry. I am glad you enjoyed looking at the roundup. See you at the BWW roundup later this week.

Joan Schmelzle

I would very much like to try the Green Tomato and Pepper Salsa. However, I do not understand from the directions "220 of sugar." Does that mean grams or milliliters? Also I am not sure what "tomato paste trlple" is. I hope perhaps you can help me. I do have a lot of green tomatoes and have had to pick them to save them.
Thank you


Grazie di averci ospitato e quante belle idee, è sempre un piacere partecipare al WHB!!! un bacione!


una ricetta meglio dell'altra, complimenti a tutti!!!!

Simona Carini

Hello Joan and thanks for your questions. I hope Elena will be able to confirm that the unit of measure for sugar is grams. For the tomato paste, triple refers to concentration, so triple concentrated. If you cannot find it, I assume double concentrated would be an acceptable substitute. Hope this helps :)

Simona Carini

Grazie Elena e Simona.


Grazie Simona, le tue indicazioni sono perfette e scusate per le imprecisioni...ora ho corretto!

Thanks Simona, your instructions are perfect and sorry for the inaccuracies ... now I corrected!

Joan Schmelzle

Thank you very much, Simona. I hope to try this recipe soon. It sounds really good.

Simona Carini

Prego, Elena.

You are welcome, Joan.

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