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October 24, 2013


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i tuoi pani sono sempre una meraviglia e molto invitanti, me lo porto subito su pinterest così da averlo comodo all'uso ^___^


That bread photo and the recipe are inspiring! I had let my sourdough starter linger too long in the fridge over the summer, so am starting fresh and waiting impatiently for it to develop. In the meantime, today I'm making my favorite overnight bread dough from Jim Lahey's recip, baking in a pot tomorrow for the first loaf of the cool season! Too bad I didn't see this post first!

I agree that the bonds we create with love also create happiness. Bread is such a primal metaphor for that--when I have crossed over fully into bread baking mode, I am definitely going to try your version.


QUANTO MI PIACE QUESTA SIMONA! mi pace da matti proprio!!!!

Bread & Companatico

bellissimo, e con la spelta e' anche in tema. quanto cervello dietro a queste mani abili, Simona, sei un incanto di donna e spero d'incontrarti di persona un giorno. so che passerei ore solo a sentirti parlare.

Signor Biscotti

Stunning! Looks and sounds delicious. I just recently discovered the King Arthur site, via Jeffrey Hamelman's book, and so there is so much information and inspiration to be found there. And they even have a tool to convert the recipes into grams (I can't be doing with cups :-) ) Buona giornata! Euan

Simona Carini

Grazie, Martissima!

Thanks, Sally. This is definitely a comforting bread. And in general, baking bread brings comfort, especially when we see it develop slowly, on its own terms. I hope your first loaf of the cool season was good.

Grazie, Sandra.

Carissima Barbara, mi fai arrossire :) Grazie delle parole gentili. Sono sicura che succedera': come si dice qui, it's a matter of when, not if. E credo che quando succedera' parleremo per tante ore.

Thank you, Signor Biscotti (love the name, by the way :). KAF is a great resource in terms of products and of content. I am glad you discovered them.

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