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October 28, 2013


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Beautiful shots Simona. Love the bright orange hues. I was wondering why they were called 'chocolate' persimmons and googled it. (since we don't get them here, I've no idea about them :)) Now I wish we had them here :)

Alicia (foodycat)

I've never heard of chocolate persimmons! But these are so pretty.


Beautiful processing-almost a mocha color to match the name. The color ones are brilliant! Thanks for submitting your image to BWW 103.

Simona Carini

Thank you, Priya. I also wish you could taste them: they are sweet and luscious. It's like having a totally natural dessert.

Ciao Alicia. I had never heard of them until last persimmon season, when I discovered them at the end of their season, so this year I have been on the lookout for them. The info on the web is a bit confusing, so next time I go to that market, I will ask the person who sells them.

Thanks, Lynne. I wanted something that would hint at the original brilliant color.

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