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September 20, 2013


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Alicia (foodycat)

Would you look at that sky? Magnificent! It's definitely on my list (never ending) of places to go.

Simona Carini

It was a spectacular day, Alicia, and a fascinating visit.


What a lovely travelogue. You made me want to visit Ephesus so badly.

Simona Carini

Thank you, Sanhita. I am glad you enjoyed the post.


Hello Simona. How lovely to read your post about Ephesus. You took some very well thought out photographs. They are beautiful. I too visited Ephesus, as part of a group of family and friends. It was an intense and very stimulating experience for me. I walked the streets of the ancient city and I tried to imagine the long gone inhabitants going about their daily business in the shops and at the Odeon. I was amazed at how well preserved some areas were. One thing I found fascinating (and regrettable also), was that parts of Ephesus were dismantled and the materials were used to build Christian temples, but then again that was a common occurrence at pagan sites during Byzantine times. The latrines at the Odeon are still in more or less pristine condition. My father got a kick out of that, and sat on one of them. We took his picture and we still have it, him looking at the camera, laughing. Dad has passed now, but that memory and the picture which accompanies it are still with us to enjoy.
Thanks for the beautiful post!!!

Simona Carini

Dear Ana, so good to hear from you. I thought about you while we were in Greece :) We also admired the latrines in Ephesus. Romans certainly knew about taking care of their bodies. Reusing material was widespread. It happened in Rome as well. It is of course very sad that those people valued the material more than the building.

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