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September 30, 2013


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Loved the capture Simona. It's so beautiful. These sort of shots are my fav :) Thank you so much for sending the click to BWW!


Lovely click, Simona! I need my caffè macchiato, now.

diary of a tomato

My favorite way to order un caffe!

Simona Carini

Glad you like the photos, Priya.

Thank you, Sanhita. Things get definitely easier after one.

Ciao Debra. When I am in Italy, I order a cappuccino, but in the US most often I order a caffè macchiato. We certainly like double consonants in Italian: "pp" "cc" "ff" :)


Lovely photos and words! I am very personal regarding my photos, too. They have to mean something to me or I don't have the same feeling about them.

Simona Carini

Thanks, Lynne. We are dedicated photographers and that dedication builds a deep relationship with our work. Have a great weekend!


I love all your photos. I hope your thumb injury heals quickly.

Simona Carini

Thank you, Paz, for the kind words and the good wishes. My thumb is almost healed :)

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briciole di italiano

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