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August 25, 2013


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Alicia (foodycat)

What a wonderful post! I'm afraid my blackberry picking is usually limited to the weeds in the back garden... a few tastes, but not enough for a beautiful sorbet like this!


quest'anno la mia pigrizia mi ha impedito di andare a more.... quasi quasi me ne pento guardando il tuo sorbetto!

Simona Carini

Thanks, Alicia. I am glad you enjoyed the post. Maybe next time you'll bring a basket ;)

Ciao Sandra. Mi sa che i temporali di questi giorni hanno strapazzato i rovi. Magari l'anno prossimo...

Johanna GGG

I have never gone blackberry picking but would like to - though I hate sieving fruit to get the pips out - but the sorbet looks lovely


ma che bel racconto, ti ho vista nella tua raccolta mentre ti leggevo…anch'io un paio di anni fa sono andata a more e mi son dovuta fare coraggio per farlo perchè spesso, a parte i vari graffi che erano comunque nel conto, c'erano un sacco di ragnatele e l'idea di trovarmi un ragno in mano mi faceva accapponare la pelle qui mi limitavo a raccogliere con la velocità della luce ^____^ ciauzzzzzz


qui…..ndi, è rimasto nella tastiera ;-)


Lovely words on childhood blackberry picking and a beautiful magenta sorbet!

Simona Carini

Hi Johanna. I recommend a blackberry picking expedition. As for getting the pips out, I hope my words will convince you to consider it a worthwhile effort.

Ciao Martissima. Certamente cogliere un ragno invece di una mora non e' divertente.

Thank you, Lynne!


I've never been berry-picking before. Hmm... Your sorbet looks delish.


This sorbet looks packed with flavour Simona. Picking blackberried here in town on thornless bushes is a pleasure but wild blackberries grow prolifically all across the coast. I have met a bramble or two in my lifetime.

Delaware Girl Eats

Simona you have more patience than I do! The result looks lovely!

Bread & Companatico

divine Simona!!! that color and that creaminess... impareggiabile. got an ice-cream machine for Christmas and never ever used it... it would be worth trying just to make this wonderful sorbet.

Simona Carini

You should try, Paz.

Ciao Val. I would like to try picking from those thornless bushes you mention.

Thanks, Cathy.

Ciao Barbara. Mi fai arrossire ;) I hope you will soon try using your ice cream maker. Summer is the best time to do that, with berries and other fruit available.

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