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August 09, 2013


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Che meraviglia, devo provare queste ricette subitissimo!

Bread & Companatico

this is wonderful Simona!
all your love for nature, cooking and food emanates beautifully from every word of this post. definitely to include in a book, one day.

Simona Carini

Grazie Laura. Te le consiglio tutte.

Thank you so much, Barbara. I am so glad you liked the post.


What a pretty plant. Too bad they need full sun, which is in short supply in our wood-land backyard... :=(

Simona Carini

Ciao Frank. Too bad, indeed. Maybe you can forage a bit at a neighbor's garden?


Che incredibile e poetico post, le foto poi sono bellissime! Ma lo sai che non sapevo di questi frutti del nasturzio?

Simona Carini

Grazie Lucia. Io l'ho scoperto solo da poco e sono contenta perche' farli sott'aceto e' facile e il risultato e' proprio buono.


Beautiful flowers. A lovely contribution to WHB as I didn't know they are edible.

Simona Carini

Grazie, Ivy. Indeed, they are, and they are really nice in a salad.

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