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July 21, 2013


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Lori Lynn

Beautiful Simona! Love that included the flower petals.
Wish I had one right now, with my cup of black coffee...


Oooh! I love this recipe. Indeed a rustic beauty. You have made my tummy growl with those zucchini as I love them so so much. :-) will definitely give it a try.


Simona Carini

Wish I could send you one, Lori Lynn :)

Thank you, Siri. I recommend them.


Baby zucchini are the best. So sweet and full of flavor!

Yvonne @ bitter baker

Mmm, these look delicious! I love savory scones, but I've never had baby zucchini, I feel like I've been missing out!

diary of a tomato

Brilliant use of zucchini! And my calendula is flowering, just in time!


e ora è il periodo delle zucchine: ho la cassetta del frigorifero piena strapiena! me le ha portate mio suocero, mia mamma e anche un amico di mio marito... avevo proprio bisogno di una ricetta nuova per le zucchine!
un abbraccio

Simona Carini

I agree, Frank. I got some more at the market this morning.

Hi Yvonne. Farmers usually have some at the market, together with zucchini blossoms. I hope you can find them.

I am so glad, Debra. Looking forward to reading what you'll make with them. My calendulas are basically done blooming. I'll have enough to make maybe one more dish. Then, any new idea I get will have to wait until next summer.

Ciao Sandra. Il dilemma dell'eccesso di zucchine. Spero di averti dato una buona idea. A me piacciono cosi' tanto che non ho problemi a smaltire le scorte. Ho intenzione di postare un'altra ricetta presto: stay tuned!


Grazie per aver partecipato a questa tappa dell'abbecedario! Ecco il resoconto di questa ricca raccolta: http://abcincucina.blogspot.com.es/2013/07/j-come-jacket-potatoes.html !
Ora si va in Finlandia!

Simona Carini

Ciao Aiu'. Grazie!

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