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June 27, 2013


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Alicia (foodycat)

You are so clever! These look absolutely wonderful!


What a great idea! Pasta looks beautiful.


ti nomino esperta di pasta fatta in casa, troppo bello questo post corredato di video… avrei infarinato la superficie, ma meno male che tu specifichi di non farlo, anch'io ho la macchina a manovella ormai vintage ( è un regalo di nozze ^_______^ ) devo soffrire d'astinenza di cucina ancora una settimana poi finalmente potrò tornare a pasticciare ^__^

diary of a tomato

Beautiful use of the calendula petals! How did you dress le sagne, and did the taste of the calendula come through?

Simona Carini

Thank you, Alicia. Glad you like the look of them.

Thanks, Ivy!

Ciao Martissima. Immagino che conti le ore che ti separano dal riappropriarti del tuo spazio. Spero che tu sia contenta di come e' venuto.

Ciao Debra. Thank you so much for your questions, which I addressed in the post. I like using burro e parmigiano, in part because it has the least visual impact. I honestly cannot detect the flavor, but your question made me think about trying the petals in a different pasta shape. I'll let you know what I find. Do you have calendula flowers in your garden?

diary of a tomato

Just because your experiments have been so beautiful, I searched out a calendula and have one in a pot. No room in the garden at this point in the season, so we'll have to see how it does... or hope that someone at our farmers market, like yours, brings them to market!


I love how you prepared this with the petals. Love it. Also, love the color! I'd certainly like to taste your special pasta.

Simona Carini

Regardless of the possible use of the flowers in the kitchen, I hope you'll enjoy your calendula. Keep me posted :)

Simona Carini

Thank you so much, Paz. I am getting a bit "calendula crazy" here, I know ;)

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