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May 28, 2013


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I just want to let everyone who lands here know that Simona's pasta and sauce were so delicious that I, who am careful with what wheat products I will eat, had two helpings! The shape of the pasta is an intriguing one, allowing the sauce to cling to all the wrapped parts. If you like to make your own pasta, I highly recommend this one!


What a great tutorial! That lentil sauce sound delicious.

Alicia (foodycat)

What a perfect shape to hold lots of sauce!

Simona Carini

Thank you so much, Christine, for the great review of the pasta. I am so glad you and Mister CC liked it. It is certainly a pleasure to bring it to the table.

Thanks, Debra. I highly recommend the sauce. I have used it also in a couple of different ways, which I hope to share soon.

Hi Alicia. It's a lovely shape, indeed.

Bread & Companatico

grandissima Simona!
this will be my next attempt with pasta making. love that no special tool is needed and you make it look so simple! was it parchment paper under the dough?
ciao, Barbara

Simona Carini

Ciao Barbara. This is really fun to make, so I hope you give it a try. Not sure which photo you are referring: in the top one, the shaped sagne are on a kitchen towel. On the Instagram photo they are on my kneading board which is lightly floured. Because they are left to dry, something that absorbs the moisture is needed, like a kitchen towel. Thank you for the question: I'll make that clear.


I really enjoy reading your homemade pasta-making posts.


Another great pasta-making post! You can really see your mastery of the art as you work with the dough. I particularly liked this post. The pasta is so very pretty and it actually looks like fun. Funny I had never come across this pasta before. Part of my family is from Puglia. I guess it got lost in the trip across the Atlantic...

diary of a tomato

Love this shape, nicely done! We made it in Puglia by wrapping it around un ferro, a metal rod, but found it wasn't necessary and that not everyone did it this way. This shape was traditionally served there with a tomato sauce and generous dollop of ricotta forte!

Simona Carini

Thank you so much, Frank, for the kind words. Evaluating what got preserved and got lost in the crossing is quite a fascinating subject. The first thing I think about is the availability of durum wheat and semolina. It would be nice to find out whether the shapes that were preserved were the ones that could be made with the flour they found in the new country. I wonder whom I could ask...

I realize now I should have asked you if you had come across it, Debra. Your experience matches mine. I think that the method I used gives comparable results. Of course, I'd love to see someone making it using the ferro. Thank you so much for the note.

Simona Carini

I am glad you do, Paz. Thanks!

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