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May 29, 2013


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What a brilliant line-up. I am super impressed with all the entries. Thanks for hosting this month Simona :)


Lovely line-up!

Simona Carini

You are welcome, Jac. It was a pleasure.

Thank you, Paz!


We have to play with flour for long :-)
Thanks so much for hosting!


And a good time was had by all! I'm usually not one for 'palooza' or similar events, but this one looks like a lot of fun. And some truly glorious pasta came out of it.

Simona Carini

My pleasure, Cinzia. I am always available when it comes to playing with flour ;)

Thank you, Frank. I am glad you enjoyed the roundup. This event is part of my mission to spread the word about (and practice of) making pasta at home.


So many new pastas to try!


Your pasta challenge, Simona, was the spark I needed to take me out of the cooking doldrums. Thanks for hosting a wonderful theme. All the recipes are beauties.

Simona Carini

Indeed, Lucia.

You are welcome, Susan. I am so glad I nudge you into action in the pasta field. To many more little adventures!

rita cooks italian

Cara Simona Grazie! What a pleasure to discover so many homemade pasta lovers like me...you and all the other participants inspired me to make pasta again.

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