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May 08, 2013


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Alicia (foodycat)

That flour sounds really special. What a treat to use!

Roxana | Roxana's Home Baking

I have seen the book at a local book store and haven't bought it but now I regret my decision. Your mana'eesh looks great! I have made flat bread sprinkled with Za'atar and ca wait to try this recipe!
Thanks for linking it to #bakedwithlove the new name for #bakeyourownbread :)

Bread & Companatico

I can almost feel the scent of the bread by only looking at your pictures. so soft which immediately makes me think of dipping it in some Moroccan stew or into baba ghanoush or some hummus. I love Dan Lepard's take on traditional breads from all over, this will be done soon and I am still hoping to be able to make your pasta before I leave for my Italian trip (only 1 week to go now). Otherwise I will miss the roundup but I will do the pasta when back for sure. thank you so much for this contribution to Panissimo!


This looks terrific! I'd like to try to make it!


le tue parole quando parli di farina lievito e acqua mi hanno fatto venire i brividi.... grazie Simona!


Simple breads mean we can have tasty homemade bread quicker on the table.

Simona Carini

It is, Alicia.

Hi Roxana. I have also his previous book and have made a number of breads from that one as well. Thanks for letting me know about the name change.

Ciao Barbara. You are right, it makes you want to dip and scoop and just eat it all. I understand being totally busy with preparing for the trip, so don't worry if you can't make it.

Ciao Paz. Give it a try: your efforts will be rewarded :)

Grazie Sandra. Per me fare il pane (e il formaggio e la pasta) e' un'attivita' meditativa che mi ancora al presente.

Definitely, Val. It is so nice to get this one from the oven to the table.

diary of a tomato

Lovely way to showcase the local flour, as well as the exotic spice mix!

Simona Carini

Thanks, Debra.


I love flatbread and this looks delicious and with the addition of za'atar makes a great spiced bread. I found your recipe on bakedwithlove on Roxana's Home Baking.

Simona Carini

Hi Laura and welcome! I totally recommend this bread, especially if you like flat breads.

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