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April 22, 2013


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Grazie Simona per la partecipazione, non potevi mancare a questa tappa!

Ecco il riassunto di questa tappa (spero di riuscire a caricare il video quanto prima!): http://abcincucina.blogspot.com.es/2013/04/e-come-escargot.html.

Ora tutti in Danimarca!


One of my favourite cakes in Italy was made with freshly ground almonds. I can see that this would be equally delicious with their walnut bite.

diary of a tomato

After spending time in Italy, I've come to appreciate having a little something sweet as the afternoon wanes. Can't wait to try this, and love that you cut the sugar in half!

Bread & Companatico

what an interesting recipe! both white wine and kefir in a cake... truly intriguing and I love nuts in cakes, they make the most rustic and nourishing cakes ever. love the way you describe your little nut cracking idiosyncrasy :)

Simona Carini

Hi Val. Ground nuts are widely used in Italian desserts and I like all the variations. Plus nuts are healthy.

Hi Debra. I don't have a sweet tooth, so when I make a dessert, I try to find a balance between the expected sweetness and the flavor of the other ingredients, so that the palate has a more rounded experience.

Ciao Barbara. The combination of ingredients works for me here. The cake is delicate but also rustic. I'd like to try using a different flour for some of the AP flour and see what happens. Wait until I talk about pine nut-cracking ;)


Credo che questa torta la rifaró presto... Le noci non mancano mai... Il kefir lo faccio tutti i giorni ed ho pure l'olio di noci! Devo farla! :)
Baci e grazie


I like the idea of a walnut cake. :-)

Simona Carini

Te la consiglio, Terry: e' gustosa e leggera. Quelle che ho fatto sono sparite rapidamente. E mi fa piacere leggere che anche tu fai il kefir in casa.

It's a nice cake, Paz, and quite easy to make ;)

Simona Carini

Grazie, Aiu'!


Ciao Simo,
questa torta mi era sfuggita! io amo i dolci con le noci, ma non conoscevo l'esistenza del Kefir...è una specie di latticello?
A presto?

Simona Carini

Ciao Lucia. Se ti piacciono i dolci con le noci, creado che questa torta ti piacera'. Il kefir e' un tipo di latte fermentato. Il latticello originale e' il siero che si separa quando si fa il burro dalla panna. Quello che si compra e' un tipo di latte fermentato. La differenza tra kefir e latticello e' nel tipo di fermenti. Entrambi sono piuttosto semplici da fare in casa.


If you place an English walnut on a hard surface (I use a bit of slate) tip pointing up, then using small (not full Construction weight) hammer, strike the tip with a guarded blow (where you whip your wrist back after the first contact of the blow)on the very tip, it should crack in half opposite the seam lines. Sometimes it takes two strikes, but the shell should fall away with a gentle touch, leaving a whole nut with the membrane intact. That's the tricky bit, teasing out the membrane. I always get intact halves, and often whole walnuts. Try it. Takes a bit of practice but it works!

Simona Carini

Dear Sue, thank you so much for the tip. I didn't know it and will definitely try it. Indeed, once you get a whole walnut out of the shell, there is still the membrane to remove. If it is very dry, it may crumble, but sometimes if is resistant to pulling. Thank you again for stopping by and sharing your little secret.

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