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April 02, 2013


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What a beautiful picture!


Simona, That is beautiful image of dough kneading board with dough balls and broken egg shell. In Indian kitchen preparing dough is every day chore because unleavened flat bread is required in every day meals..we have rolling pins but not kneading board, we prepare our dough in big size shallow metal dish.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Good to know you. :)

Simona Carini

Grazie, Ivy.

Hi Usha. Thanks for the note on kneading boards. I didn't know they are not used in Indian kitchens. My mother has a big one, so for me it was natural to get one when I started my own kitchen. It's not as big as the one my mother had, though.


I love this photo. Now, I want a kneading board! :-D

Simona Carini

Ciao Paz. I got it from a place called Fantes. I think they have a store in the city. It's really helpful.

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