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April 24, 2013


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Total YUM! Your rolls look perfect and delicious! I love your kitchen series of black and white photos!

kathy bechtel

How very cute in the lovely ramekins! Definitely going to have to try these :)

Simona Carini

Thank you, Lynne. I have a weak spot for bread with dried fruit.

I recommend them, Kathy.

Roxana | Roxana's Home Baking

I love KAF and their flours. These little four leaf clover are so cute! Love that you baked them in ramekins instead of the regular muffin pan.
Thanks for submitting them to this month #bakeyourownbread


These rolls sound delicious Simona. I will be back in the States mid May and always pick up King Arthur flour when I am there.


Now that I see your photos, I want to make these rolls, too. I have put a hold on baking for a while, it is definitely time to get back to it. Thanks for the inspiration, Simona! (I also love any bread with dried fruit in it!)

A Canadian Foodie

Mom used to make this shape, but with a dinner roll recipe. It was quite the holiday tradition - but, that has gone by the wayside... and though I loved them as a child, I have no intention on making them as an adult. They were very labour intensive when doing a big batch!

Simona Carini

Glad you like my contribution, Roxana. It's a pleasure to participate.

Ciao Val. Glad to read you are also a KAF's customer.

Ciao Sally. You are welcome! This is a nice project to get back into baking.

Hi Valerie. I can imagine that baking a big batch would indeed be labor intensive.

Bread & Companatico

so pretty! I would love one now, warmed up and with a slash of butter, perfect accompaniment to my tea. thank you sooooo much for your participation, which is deeply appreciated. I agree, that is a nice website, full of good ideas for baking bread. and your kitchen looks so much cleaner than mine after making some bread :)


Simona: non ho parole, grazie per questi quadrifogli portafortuna!!!!
inseriti con orgoglioo nel post!!


Ribes e noci...questi panini devono essere molto particolari!
Buon We


Looks like it's perfect for St. Patrick's Day or any other day.

Simona Carini

Grazie, Barbara. I must admit that my kitchen can get more chaotic than that in particular when I make cheese. But chaos is not always photogenic.

Piacere mio, Sandra.

Lucia, sono eleganti e rustici allo stesso tempo: un ottimo connubio. E perdonami, una nota sarebbe stata utile: currant e' un tipo di uva secca dagli acini piu' piccoli di quella che si chiama raisins (vedi foto qui.

Ciao Paz. When it comes to good food, any day is the right day, I agree.

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