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April 03, 2013


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brava, ne hai tirato fuori un buon pane di segale con i fiori….. spero siano un richiamo alla primavera, magari si ricorda di trovare la strada per arrivare ^__^


I can imagine the wonderful fragrance coming from your kitchen as this was baking.

Bread & Companatico

it looks amazing! so soft and I can only imagine the taste. you are right, the flowers confer an elegant touch, I have noticed them before in one of your soups, they are truly beautiful! so this is a Romanian bread? love to discover recipes, especially for bread, from all over the world. thank you soooooo much for your participation! Barbara


What beautiful bread! Rye bread has been a fixture on the American food scene for many years, ever since Americans discovered the treasure trove of flavor that is the eastern European "deli."

Although it is called rye bread, the recipes always include a sizable proportion of wheat flour. With its low protein content, rye flour is not a strong enough flour to produce a suitable rise and crumb.


Simona Carini

Ciao Martissima. Ieri mi e' arrivato un libro di ricette che usano i fiori, quindi ora avro' un'altra fonte di ispirazione. Qui diluvia da un paio di giorni, quindi la primavera non e' da queste parti :(

Ciao Val. Rye bread has a nice aroma, indeed.

Ciao Barbara. Sorry for the confusion: no, the bread is not from Romania, only the borș. The site I got the recipe from is a well-known provider of flours and other products for baking. According to this page on Eastern European breads: "While Serbians, Croatians, Bulgarians and Romanians prefer corn-meal or white-flour breads, other Eastern Europeans, especially Poles, Lithuanians, Russians, Ukrainians and Slovaks, love rye bread." You are welcome! Your event will motivate me to talk a bit more about the breads I bake.

Ciao Adri and thank you for the note on rye bread. The recipes that have worked for me indeed contain more wheat flour than rye flour. The two that did not work for me were a rye sourdough with all rye flour and one that had more rye than wheat flour (about 3/5 and 2/5 respectively). First I thought the problem was the rye flour I used, but using a lighter flour did not make a difference. Your comment makes me feel a bit better about my mishaps. I really love the rye flavor, especially paired with caraway seeds, so I am sure I'll keep making rye bread. Grazie!


Nice touch with the flowers added to your bread.

Simona Carini

Thanks, Paz. I like the delicate purple of borage flowers.

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