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March 17, 2013


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This is a great recipe!!!
I can't wait to try it!!!

Simona Carini

Thank you, Chiara!

kathy bechte


Great recipe! I'll be adding this to my recipes for my cooking classes. I love homemade pasta recipes that don't require a pasta machine, so all can get their hands dirty! And it looks easier to master than cavatelli. I've seen burnt flour pasta recipes that use flour that is much closer to 'burnt' than toasted, which may explain the color difference you noted. A fine line, I suspect, between nicely toasted and not-so-nicely burned. I think yours are lovely just as they are :)

Simona Carini

Thank you, Kathy, for your kind words. I've started teaching a class on handmade pasta and strascinati is the first shape I show. Maybe at some point I will try pushing the toasting a little further, but for now, I am quite happy with the result.

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