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March 15, 2013


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Anna Engdahl

These are one of my sons favorite cookies. The recipe I use is different and we call them Biscotti de Regina.
I love sesame seeds and use them on most of the bread I make.
I want to thank you for all the information you share, especially for homemade cheese and pasta.


What a beautiful review, together with your evocative memories of Sicily. Those cookies look to be a culinary triumph, to which I am sure Salvo would give a thumbs up.


Your memories of Sicily are resonant and very touching. I loved reading them. Your recipe reminds me of one my grandmother used to make in Greece. She would make cookies with bakers ammonia, and something lemony and with lots of sesame seeds too. We don't have the recipe anymore though... By the way, here in the Pennsylvania suburbs where I live, there are lots of people with Sicilian heritage, so we have learned to frequent Sicilian bakeries if we want good freshly made bread or rolls. It's crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside, and absolutely covered with sesame seeds. I always buy extra rolls and freeze them.

Simona Carini

Thank you, Anna, for your kind words. I must admit you made me curious about your recipe for the biscotti.

Thank you, Claudia!

I am glad you enjoyed my post, Ana. Your description makes me curious about your grandmother's cookies. Thanks for your note about Sicilian bakeries: it's great that you can get there nice bread. Crunchy crust, soft crumb and sesame seeds on top: what a delight!


Did you mentione Montalbano. Be still my heart. He'd love the cookies, for sure! I know I would, too! ;-)

Simona Carini

Indeed, I did, Paz. And you'll see a few more mentions of him, since we are reading The Shape of Water for Cook the Books. The midnight cookie baker may decide to try baking them...


Simona! Bravo! I loved your story of Sicily and adore books that can spark those sort of memories for us.

Simona Carini

Thank you, Debra. I am glad you enjoyed the post. I have a bit of a soft spot for Sicily and I guess it shows in my writing :)

Rachel @ The Crispy Cook

You are the reason I picked up this great book and I am really enjoying the subsequent books in the series. Thank you, Simona!

Deb in Hawaii

What a wonderful review Simona. You truly transported me to Sicily with your words. I do want to give the second book a try now.

Your cookies look so perfect and delicate and I am going to walk around saying giuggiulena all day--I love how it flows off the tongue. ;-)

Simona Carini

Glad to read you like the books, Rachel. The 2nd and 3rd are two of my all-time favorites.

Hi Deb. The Terra-Cotta Dog is rather different and the mystery Montalbano sets about to solve is intriguing. I also love that word :)

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