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March 21, 2013


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We grow six varieties of kale in our backyard. We eat it raw in salads, steamed and baked (kale chips.) I've never considered using it, however, in pesto. Looks like a great idea. I will give it a try.


This looks delicious!
I've tried to make one with Dandelion (Tarassaco) leaves and almonds.
Very bitter, very tasty, very good!


So creative! Raw garlic, kale, and Parm give a good smack in the mouth of bold flavors. Inspiring recipe, Simona.


un pesto “consigliato“ dal tuo orto che hai saputo ascoltare, brava!! ora riprovo a commentare e vediamo come va, poi ti aggiorno.


come vedi è andato tutto bene ^__^

Simona Carini

Hurrah for kale!

Ciao Brii. This year I will try to be more alert to dandelion growing in the yard, so I can harvest it when the leaves are young. Your description of the pesto makes me curious.

Thank you, Susan.

Grazie, Martissima.


I see tuna fish, beans and kale pesto. It looks absolutely delicious. I mean it! Lots of flavors and protein in this dish.


Pretty awesome that you grow kale in your garden.

kathy bechtel

Yum - I love kale, and what a great way to use it. And save it - I make pestos whenever I have excess herbs and freeze them just as you do. So easy to get some fresh herb flavor into a soup, sauce or dish!
Does this pesto change color if you keep it for a day or so? That is usually why I blanch some herbs before making pesto - to preserve the color.

Simona Carini

Exactly so, Ana.

Ciao Paz. I tried to grow various things in my garden, but between my limited patience and the climate, I have come to accept that I should stick to kale, collard greens and chard. And I don't complain.

Hi Kathy. Good question. I took the photo the day after I made the pesto and I did not notice any difference in color. Even the following day, it was still quite bright. I will certainly try a version with blanched kale to compare. I'll let you know what I find out.


Grazie per questa ricetta! ma lo sai che il cavolo riccio non l'ho mai mangiato? Ora son curiosa e voglio vedere se si trova ancora da qualche ortolano di zona! Ti lascio il link alla raccolta, grazie della tua partecipazione! http://simonaskitchen2.blogspot.it/2013/03/weekend-herbal-blogging-whb-376-la.html

Simona Carini

Piacere mio, Simona. Spero che riuscirai a trovarlo e ad assaggiarlo: e' saporito e fa bene.

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