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March 07, 2013


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Alicia (foodycat)

That's the prettiest purple sprouting broccoli I have ever seen! Such a vivid lavendar


The violet is truly surreal against the chartreuse stem. Is the pasta's texture different than if you used semolina? Does it feel or taste harder? Do you use any 00 flour mixed in if it feels hard ?


A beautiful combination of color, and I can imagine of taste as well.

Simona Carini

Hi Alicia. They are indeed gorgeous. I picked some more today and I think I'll use them in a stir fry.

Hi Tami. The pasta is slightly softer. I only use farina di grano arso and semolina flour. This is an easy dough to work with. I am having more troubles with another dough I am testing right now, but that's a story for another day.

Hi Claudia. It is indeed a nice combination of flavors. Quite satisfying.

My Italian Smörgåsbord

che meraviglia! le tue paste mi fanno venire tanta voglia di mangiarle ma ancora non riesco a trovare il coraggio per rompere il ghiaccio e cominciare. mai fatta pasta finora... che bella la storia del grano arso e che splendida tonalita' regala a queste orecchiette.


I'll bet the smokey flavor of your pasta goes perfectly with broccoli. It's a lovely dish!

Simona Carini

Grazie, Barbara. Davvero credo che quando deciderai di provare a fare la pasta non avrai difficolta'. Sei bravissima con il pane, hai fatto un panettone incredibile tanto per citare due esempi. Pazienza e attenzione ai dettagli ti saranno d'aiuto quando ti dedicherai alla pasta.

Thanks, Claire. It is a very nice combination. I hope to be able to harvest the broccoli for a little longer and come up with other ways of preparing them.

Frank @Memorie di Angelina

I love your blog because I can always count to find some new take on classic dishes that I've never seen before! This one is truly striking. Having some Puglian roots we have orecchiette with cima di rape all the time, but never like this… Now I've got to go out and find some grano arso right away!

Simona Carini

Thank you so much, Frank, for your kind words. I am glad I introduced you to something new. If you find some grano arso flour in your area, let me know. Otherwise, we may want to consider direct import.

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