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March 27, 2013


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Yay! Looking forward to perusing everyone's entries!

Merisi in Vienna

Fascinating books and food!

I read "Mattanza" years ago and have hardly ever eaten tuna since then. Recently I watched a documentary about this annual rite and the images were so gruesome, I can't imagine ever eating Italian tuna again.


Oh boy - lots to read *and* to eat! Mmmmm... what fun this was!


Simona: Thanks for hosting Novel Food. It's always fun to participate in it.


P.S. I'm inspired to reread The Shape of Water. I miss Montalbano. *sigh*

Simona Carini

Thank you, Ruhama.

Thank you, Merisi. I have seen photos but not videos. Speaking of tuna, have you seen the movie Jiro Dreams of Sushi? I am referring to the images inside the Tokio fish market.

I am glad you had fun, Rachel.

Thanks to you, Paz. Do you mean you have read all the volumes available in the library?

Phil in the Kitchen

Inspiring and varied selection as ever. This challenge always makes me want to read or reread absolutely everything featured.

Simona Carini

Thanks, Phil. That's great: and I hope you'll enjoy your reading/re-reading.


Ciao Simona! Eccomi tornata alla cucina...che bella raccolta "ispirata"
Un abbraccio

Simona Carini

Bentornata, Lucia. Grazie!


Thanks for the plug Simona, I just came over to find out if the next Novel Food was.

Simona Carini

Hi Jac. I will announce the next edition mid to late May and I will certainly let you know. Thanks!

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