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March 22, 2013


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Wow! The book sounds very interesting and what a delicious-sounding salad! Thanks for the tip on how to cook dry beans.


Oh, but this brings back memories of simple, but tasty salads for lunch! Thank you. As for Wallander, I am with you; he'd benefit from food such as this. His soul is damaged, and he is in turmoil, deprived of the most basic of needs, human comfort and nutrition. I see his poor nutrition as a metaphor for his soul. He is consumed with his work, to the extent that his personal life, including his marriage and his relationship with his daughter are damaged. Yet he is unable to pull himself away from his work. He is one of literature's classically flawed characters.

The BBC series was indeed engrossing, and Kenneth Branagh was captivating, but Swedish program was even better. In the Swedish series Krister Henriksson provided a compelling look inside the complicated mind, gentle soul and warm, but ultimately empty heart of the policeman.

Thanks for a wonderful post. Have a great weekend.


I'm still thinking about that field of rapeseed.... We're surrounded by those gorgeous yellow fields in the spring. I'll never look at them the same way.
As to the salad, one of my favorite combinations. I haven't seen either programs, but thanks for a new author!

Frank @Memorie di Angelina

Fagioli col tonno is a summery stand-by for us. Such as great solution when you hardly feel like cooking! I've never tried it with mixed beans, but now that you've put that idea into my head…

Simona Carini

You are welcome, Paz.

Thank you so much for your comment, Adri. I am glad you like the post. I immediately went to see if I could rend the Swedish movies and at the usual place, I cannot. I'll look some more, since you got me curious. Wallander's human relations are all in pretty bad shape. As you say, he is consumed by his work and unable to bring balance to his life. Sometimes it feels like the cold, gray whether is the reflection of the cold, gray loneliness in which he lives. Happy Sunday!

Hi Katie. It is a pretty intense scene. Actually, the movies have a lot of beautiful scenery in them. If you like crime novels, these are really good.

Ciao Frank. It is a great combination, for sure. I am now using my mixed beans pretty much for everything. In fact, my next recipes will have those beans too :)


Uno dei piatti più golosi che ci sia! io metto sempre anche abbondante cipolla!

Deb in Hawaii

I love the idea of the baby kale and cashew pesto enhancing your bean and tuna salad. It looks like it has so much flavor. Great book review too. ;-) I need to get back to a Novel Food soon.

Thanks for sharing this with Souper Sundays!

Simona Carini

Ciao Elena. Anche io l'ho fatta con la cipolla, pero' caramellizzata oppure cotta fino a che diventa bella morbida.

You are welcome, Deb. It's always a pleasure to participate. Novel Food will be back in early summer.

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